Baluarte de Argao Cebu

Baluarte De Argao, Argao, Cebu



Want to have a beach own property? This beach property from Suba, Poblacion Argao Cebu City is for sale. It has a 1,909 area. Property is on a cliff with around 100-meter frontage facing the Beach. Has own access to Municipal Road. Property is also a Revenue-Generating Property. Few meters away from the Church, Hospital, Executive Building, Legislative Building and Old Municipal Hall. The 2-Storey House was fully furnished and it’s currently used as guest-house/hotel. It has a floor area of around 300 sq.m. The 4-Room-Guesthouse has a floor area of around 80 sq.m. Each room has toilet & bath. Currently guests with daily rates. The cottage is currently used as an office and receiving area.

NOTE: Prices and Payment Terms are subject to change without prior notice.



Baluarte De Argao, Argao, Cebu



  • Activity Lawn
  • Alfresco Areas
  • Beach Front
  • Entertainment Room
  • Garden
  • Gated Community
  • Landscaped Selected Areas
  • Veranda

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Edred Dela Peña

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave

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